The role and structure of the Board

The Board of Directors (the Board) is responsible for the long-term success of the Company and provides leadership to the Group.

The Board focuses on setting strategy and monitoring performance and ensures that the necessary financial and human resources are in place to enable the Company to meet its objectives. In addition, it ensures appropriate financial and business systems and controls are in place to safeguard shareholders’ interests and to maintain effective corporate governance.

The Board is responsible for setting the tone from the top in relation to conduct, culture and values, for ensuring continuing commitment to treating customers fairly, carrying out business honestly and openly and preventing bribery, corruption, fraud or the facilitation of tax evasion.

The Board operates in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association (the ‘Articles’) and its own written terms of reference. The Board has established a number of Committees. Each Committee has its own terms of reference which are reviewed at least annually.

The Board retains specific powers in relation to the approval of the Group’s strategic aims, policies and other matters, which must be approved by it under legislation or the Articles. These powers are set out in the Board’s written terms of reference and Matters Reserved to the Board which are reviewed at least annually.

Download our Terms of Reference and Matters Reserved for the Board

Articles of Association